Kentucky > Elizabethtown Yellow Pages > Shopping & Shopping Services > Flowers & Plants

Elizabethtown Flowers & Plants

Local Businesses: 8

E-Town Florist

624 Westport Road
Elizabethtown, KY 42701-2867
(270) 765-4134
Beth White (Owner)
Categories: Florists

Edible Arrangements

1811 North Dixie Highway Suite 103
Elizabethtown, KY 42701-5555
(270) 982-3330 +view more
Products: Anniversaries, Birthdays, Chocolate, Fresh Food, Fruit, Gift Baskets, Gift…
Services: Anniversaries, Birthdays, Gift Baskets, Graduations, Local Deliveries, Designs
Categories: Gift Baskets, Florists

Elizabethtown First Florist & Greenhouse

624 Westport Road
Elizabethtown, KY 42701-2848
(270) 765-4134 +view more
Products: Balloons, Custom Baskets, Fresh-Cut Flowers, Silk Flowers, Silks
Categories: Florists

Elizabethtown Florist

624 Westport Road
Elizabethtown, KY 42701-2848
(270) 765-4134
Categories: Florists

Flowers Flowers

910 North Dixie Avenue Suite 103
Elizabethtown, KY 42701-2500
(270) 737-1985 +view more
Gregg Durnil (Owner)
Categories: Gifts, Cards & Stationery Stores, Florists

Kroger - Elizabethtown, Information

111 Towne Drive
Elizabethtown, KY 42701-8460
(270) 737-1707 +view more
Chris Swearing (Manager)
Products: * Large Variety Of National & Kroger Brand Products
Services: Great Food. Low Prices., * Cut To Order-Service Meat & Seafood
Categories: Pharmacy & Drug Stores, Florists, Grocery Stores & Supermarkets

Mulberry Florist

811 North Mulberry Street
Elizabethtown, KY 42701-1921
(270) 735-1647
Sissy Clark (Owner)
Products: Arrangements, Balloons, Fruit, Fresh Flowers, Fresh-Cut Flowers, Gift Baskets,…
Categories: Florists

Rosey Posey Florist

223 Helm Street
Elizabethtown, KY 42701-1511
(270) 769-1496
Rosey Posey (Florist)
Products: Balloons, Blooming Plants, Silk Flowers, Silks
Services: Designs, Nationwide, Wire Service, National
Categories: Florists
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